Monday, 28 October 2013

how to split month , year , day from date in php


if u have date data-type then it also possible on this way ..............


in which $arr[1] is date like 22-10-2013 store in database using date data-type

2nd way ,,,,

SELECT * FROM sochvote WHERE facid=$faculty_name and YEAR( STR_TO_DATE( voteDate,  '%d/%m/%Y' ) ) =$year_name ")

Monday, 25 February 2013

dynamic set css in c#

.selected { font-style: bold; }
When a link is clicked set that link's CSS class to "selected" and the others to "";
EDIT: To accommodate for existing Css Class
const string MY_CLASS = "links";
lb1.CssClass = MY_CLASS + " selected"; // selected
lb.CssClass = MY_CLASS; // not selected

Image Rotation in W8 Store app